Returns or Exchanges

We ship to the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and P.O. boxes. Processing time for orders is 24-48 hours, and standard Flat Rate USPS Shipping takes 4-8 business days. We offer free standard shipping with no minimum order. Tracking notifications will be sent once the order is processed, not shipped. Please note that orders placed on holidays or weekends (During Postal Hours) will be processed on the next business day.

We will gladly accept returns on any items that are in their original, unused, unopened, or unworn condition along with all packaging. This policy states that items that show signs of wear or use upon inspection are not eligible for refunds or exchanges.

To return your order, please email within 30 days of receiving your order to request a Return Authorization Number (RA#). Once you receive your RA#, you must return the item within 30 days to be eligible for a refund. If you do not return the item within 30 days, you may only be eligible for online store credit or an exchange. Please note that you have 7 days from the time you receive your RA# to ship your return.

If you need to return an item to Candle Elegance, you will be responsible for paying for the return shipping charges, any duties, taxes, or applicable customs charges that you incur, and the cost of returning the item. Please note that this amount will not be reimbursed or refunded. If you are exchanging an item, US domestic customers will be responsible for packaging, shipping and handling fees along with your shipping label along with all related shipping costs themselves.

After we receive the returned merchandise, we will process your refund within 5-7 business days and notify you by email. You should contact your credit card issuer to know when the refund will be issued to your credit card originally purchased from. If you are exchanging the item, we will ship the new item as soon as it's available.

This statement means that if you do not meet the conditions for returning or exchanging a product, the company has the right to refuse your request. If your package is not accepted, you will have to pay for the shipping costs to have it returned to you, and you will not receive a refund.

This policy states that items that show signs of wear or more than lightly used upon inspection are not eligible for refunds or exchanges.